Backmof the grill


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About the Artist:

In 1960, when she was 7 years old, her father Alberto decided to go into exile from Bolivia with his whole family in Switzerland, where he came from through her father. In the city of Calvin, Carmen Perrin carries out all her schooling and artistic studies. In 1981 she graduated from the School of Fine Arts in Geneva and in 1986 began teaching at this institution. Later that year, she took part in an exhibition at the Cantini Museum in Marseille, where she lived and worked for eight years. In 1993, she obtained a grant from the Landys and Gyr Foundation which allowed her to live and work in a workshop for a year in London. She stayed there for two years. Currently she lives and works in Geneva and also regularly holds a workshop in France. Since the 1980s, Carmen Perrin has established herself as a visual artist who creates sculptures. From the 1990s onwards, she began to work in an increasingly close relationship in architectural and landscape contexts. She creates works that articulate relationships between materials and explores their relationship with the space of perception, light as well as the architectural qualities and social realities of public space. In 2005, she decided to stop teaching and devote herself entirely to her artistic research. In 2011, she received a second grant from the Landys and Gyr Foundation for a six-month residency in Berlin. Currently she works on projects related to the public space and conducts, in the workshop, a research that closely links the practice of sculpture and that of drawing. In 2014 she was appointed member of the Patronage Committee of the Distinction romande d’architecture 2014 (with Daniel Berset, federal councillor, Philippe Bié-ler, central president of Swiss Heritage and Werner Jeker, graphic designer).

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