Delphine Costier

Delphine Costier was born in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1977. After receiving a diploma at ECAV (Cantonal School of Art of Valais) in 1998, she traveled to China for a research trip before settling in England. During her time in England, she graduated as an Interior Architect at the University of Plymouth and worked on a first series of works devoted to the landscape and the horizon. She currently lives and works in Yverdon-les Bains.

Costier questions the relationship between Man and the Environment. This omnipresent theme in Costier’s work is a desire to reconnect human beings with their original source. Thus, her series “Nature Humaine” is based on the nature of man and the way humans evolve in their natural environment. 

Other crucial ideas in the work of Costier include the inner being, personal development, and human potential. Costier has dialogued some of her work as personal self-portraits of emotions. A search between what is lived, real, and felt within the human experience. Her current creative practice continues to explore drawing, painting, and visual art. 

To illustrate her point, Costier uses thousands of stippling points in her paintings that symbolize human beings. Each point, therefore, holds its own history, life course, and beliefs.