Naomi Middelmann

Naomi Middelmann was born in Switzerland in 1973. She later moved to New York as a teenager. After earning a Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing and International Relations from the prestigious Johns Hopkins University, Middelmann started a publishing house with a friend in New York. After returning to Switzerland, she obtained a postgraduate degree in visual arts from the Visual Art School Basel in 2009. Since then, her work has been shown in more than 50 exhibitions in galleries and art fairs across Europe, Switzerland, and the United States. Her work is in public and private collections in the USA, Europe, and Switzerland.

Her interests in perception and the artistic process led her to collaborate actively on research projects with neuroscientists in the United States, Germany, and Switzerland. In addition, she has given numerous lectures on multiple occasions with the Head of Neurology at HUG and UNIL professors in Neuroscience.
Middelmann was also invited to give a lecture for the Study of Art (SIK-ISEA) at the Pully Museum and led a conference at the Palais de Rumine in Lausanne on the subjectivity of perception. She presented the notion of artist-researcher at a conference at the HEP Lausanne and made a participatory performance at the CdAC on the theme of Finished / Unfinished, reflection on the notion of finished and unfinished work, as well as the role of the public in the artistic process.

Middelmann is interested in exploring and exploiting traditional vs. non-traditional artistic materials and techniques, with a desire to experiment with their possibilities to use and reuse elements of her environment. Her research explores the process of memory, how we share that with others, and the context of when and where memory is shared. Her work questions identity by recovering, transforming, assembling, and disassembling materials related to the human being.